The Layout View of a parametric cell defines the drawings which are needed to obtain masks for fabrication of the IC. For more information visit our guide.
- class ipkiss3.all.LayoutView
- Parameters:
- view_name: String that contains only alphanumeric characters from the ASCII set or contains _$. ASCII set is extended on PY3.
The name of the view
- flatten(level=-1)
Flattens this LayoutView in place. (recursive)
- Parameters:
- levelHow many levels deep should the hierarchy be flattened. -1 means all levels (default)
- flat_copy(level=-1)
Creates a flat copy of a layout, in a new cell.
- Parameters:
- level: How many levels deep should the hierarchy be flattened. -1 means all levels (default)
- write_gdsii(filename_or_stream, unit=< object>, grid=< object>, layer_map=< object>, filter=< object>, timestamp=None, legacy_grids_per_unit=False)
Writes a LayoutView, including all its dependencies to a GDSII file.
- Parameters:
- filename_or_streamstring , file object
When a string is provided, a file object will be created When a stream of file object is passed, this will be used The file object should be binary and set in write mode.
- unitpositive number
The User units to be used in the GDSII file. By default, the value is extracted from TECH.METRICS.UNIT
- gridpositive number
The database units (grid) to be used in the GDSII file. By default, the value is extracted from TECH.METRICS.GRID the user unit should be an integer multiple of the grid
- layer_mapdict or LayerMap object
A dictionary-like object to map the IPKISS layers onto GDSII layer numbers and data-types.
- filter: Filter
Optional, a filter to be applied instead of the default.
- timestamp: datetime.datetime or None
Optional, a fixed timestamp to apply to the library and all cells written. If None, the current date and time will be used.
- legacy_grids_per_unit: bool
Optional, if False (default) grids per unit will be rounded to the nearest integer.
- Returns:
- When running from a script, the method returns nothing.
- When running in an IPython Notebook, the method returns a FileLink object that the user can use to
- download the generated GDSII file.
- visualize(canvas_size=None, box=None, show=True, display_styles=< object>, default_display_style=None, annotate=False, labels=True, figure=None, legacy=False, grid=True)
Visualize a layout.
- Parameters:
- canvas_size: list
Size of the canvas: [width, height]
- show: boolean
Show the image, default is True.
- display_styles: DisplayStyleSet
The display style set, default is TECH.DISPLAY.DEFAULT_DISPLAY_STYLE_SET.
- default_display_style: DisplayStyle
The default display style in case a layer is not associated with one, the default is DisplayStyle(alpha=0.4).
- annotate: boolean
Whether to annotate the ports, default is False.
- labels: boolean
Whether to show the labels, default is True.
- figure: Figure
Reuse an existing matplotlib Figure. By default, a new Figure will be created.
- legacy: boolean
Use the legacy version of visualize, default is False.
- grid: boolean
Show the gridlines, default is True.
- Returns:
- A matplotlib Figure.
- cross_section(cross_section_path, process_flow=< object>, path_origin=0.0)
Generate a cross section of the LayoutView along a path
- Parameters:
- cross_section_path: i3.Shape
shape, in layout coordinates, along which to take the cross-section
- process_flow: VFabricationProcessFlow
virtual fabrication process flow. If not specified (None), TECH.VFABRICATION.PROCESS_FLOW will be used
- path_origin: float
origin to use for the ordinate axis of the cross-section
- visualize_3d_x_crosssection(x_co, resolution=10)
Generate a 3D cross-section along the y axis at a given x coordinate.
- visualize_3d_y_crosssection(y_co, resolution=10)
Generate a 3D cross-section along the x axis at a given y coordinate.
- visualize_2d(show=True, save_to_image=False, save_to_image_path='./', save_to_image_filename_without_ext=None, fig_size_factor=0.1, enter_mainloop=True, enter_tk_mainloop=None, aspect_ratio_equal=True, size=None, process_flow=None, legend_position='right', **kwargs)
Visualize a top-down view of the virtually fabricated layout.
- Parameters:
- enter_mainloopboolean
When True, hold the program flow until the figure has been closed by the user. When False, you have to manually plot the figure. This can be done by doing >>> from matplotlib.pyplot import show >>> show()
- showboolean
Not used at the moment.
- enter_tk_mainloopboolean
Deprecated. Use enter_mainloop.
- save_to_imageboolean
When True, save the visualization as an svg + png image, in the save_to_image_path folder. All parameters below influence where / how the image is stored.
- save_to_image_pathstring
Path to save the image to, when save_to_image==True.
- save_to_image_filename_without_extstring
If not used (default = None), use the name of the component as filename. If a string, use that name.
- fig_size_factorfloat
Deprecated, do not use.
- aspect_ratio_equalboolean
When True, keep the aspect ratio of the saved image.
- sizetuple of floats (float, float)
The width / height of the saved figure (in inches).
- process_flow: VFabricationProcessFlow
The process flow to use. If not specified (None), TECH.VFABRICATION.PROCESS_FLOW will be used.
- legend_position: str
Position of the legend relative to the figure, the options are “top”, “bottom”, “left”, “right”. The default value is “right”.
- kwargs: dict
Any keyword arguments to SimulationVolumeVisualization2D
- to_canvas(project_dir=None, project_name=None, library_name=None, show=True, annotate=None, netlist_extraction_settings=None, verbose=False)
Open a schematic representation of the layout in IPKISS Canvas.
- Parameters:
- project_dir: Path
Directory where the project and library files will be stored. When None, use the current working directory.
- project_name: Optional[str]
Name of the project. When None, use the cell name.
- library_name: Optional[str]
Name of the library that will contain the cell. When None, use the project name. In this case, the iclib and icproject will have the same name.
- show: bool
When True (default), open IPKISS Canvas after exporting the PCell. If Canvas is already open, the design will be refreshed (check out the guide in the documentation for more details).
- annotate: Optional[Dict]
A list of annotation functions to be used for specified view classes: {view_type: [annotation_function1, annotation_function2, …], …} The pcell and each of its subcells will be annotated with the specified annotation functions. If the layout view matches multiple view types, all specified annotation functions will be applied. If annotate is None, the default annotations will be used. To remove annotations, specify an empty dict.
- netlist_extraction_settings: NetlistExtractionSettings
Settings that influence how the netlist is extracted. If None, by default extract electrical connections.
- verbose: bool
When True, print some useful information about the export (i.e., schematic diffs when exporting to the same project)