Electrical Vias

Vias are components that connect a metal layer with another one that is above or below it using via shapes. Those shapes are also used in the electrical ports in the via. It is possible to create your own via by using ElectricalVia. GenericElectricalVia is a more generic class in which a list of different shapes and layers can be defined.


class ipkiss3.pcell.via.cell.ElectricalVia

Class for common electrical vias. Its purpose is to electrically connect two layers (layer_top and layer_bottom) that are defined in the Layoutview. Two ports/terms named top and bottom refer to the connection points on those respective layers. The connection is done with a connection layer(layer_via)

name: String that contains only ISO/IEC 8859-1 (extended ASCII py3) or pure ASCII (py2) characters

The unique name of the pcell


class Layout

A standard electrical via is made of a boundary on three layers (layer_top, layer_bottom and layer_via). For each layer (top, bottom and via) 2 properties are defined:

  • top_shape

  • top_layer

analogous properties are defined for the other layers.

via_shape: Shape

via shape of the via.

via_layer: Layer

Drawing layer for the via layer of the via.

bottom_shape: Shape

Shape used for the bottom of the via. Also used as shape in the bottom port.

bottom_layer: Layer

Drawing layer for the bottom of the via.

top_shape: Shape

Shape used for the top of the via. Also used as shape in the top port.

top_layer: Layer

Drawing layer for the top of the via.

view_name: String that contains only alphanumeric characters from the ASCII set or contains _$. ASCII set is extended on PY3.

The name of the view

Other Parameters:
layers: locked
shapes: locked


import si_fab.all as pdk  # noqa: F401
from ipkiss3 import all as i3
from ipkiss3.pcell.via.cell import ElectricalVia

cell = ElectricalVia()
# defining the shapes that are going to be used
# For the top bottom layer and via layer you can either define a layer or
# a combination of a process and a purpose.

layout = cell.Layout(



class ipkiss3.pcell.via.cell.GenericElectricalVia

Most generic class for electrical vias. Its purpose is to electrically connect two layers (layer_top and layer_bottom) that are defined in the Layoutview. Two ports/terms named top and bottom refer to the connection points on those respective layers.

name: String that contains only ISO/IEC 8859-1 (extended ASCII py3) or pure ASCII (py2) characters

The unique name of the pcell


class Layout

Layout view of a generic via. Adds all the shapes contained in the property shapes onto layer defined in the property layers.

By default those properties are determined with the help of other properties refering to two layers (top and bottom) that are most commonly used in vias. For each layer (top and bottom) 2 properties are defined:

  • top_shape

  • top_layer

analogous properties are defined for the bottom layer.

layers: list and List with type restriction, allowed types: <class ‘ipkiss.primitives.layer.Layer’>

List of layers used to make the via

shapes: list and List with type restriction, allowed types: <class ‘ipkiss.geometry.shape.Shape’>

List of shapes used to make the via

bottom_shape: Shape

Shape used for the bottom of the via. Also used as shape in the bottom port.

bottom_layer: Layer

Drawing layer for the bottom of the via.

top_shape: Shape

Shape used for the top of the via. Also used as shape in the top port.

top_layer: Layer

Drawing layer for the top of the via.

view_name: String that contains only alphanumeric characters from the ASCII set or contains _$. ASCII set is extended on PY3.

The name of the view


import si_fab.all as pdk  # noqa: F401
from ipkiss3 import all as i3
from ipkiss3.pcell.via.cell import GenericElectricalVia

cell = GenericElectricalVia()
# defining the shapes that are going to be used
# For the top and bottom layer you can either define a layer or a combination of and a purpose.

layout = cell.Layout(

import si_fab.all as pdk  # noqa: F401
from ipkiss3 import all as i3
from ipkiss3.pcell.via.cell import GenericElectricalVia

cell = GenericElectricalVia()
# defining the shapes that are going to be used
shapes = [i3.ShapeRegularPolygon(n_o_sides=i + 3) for i in range(3)]
# defining the corresponding layers that are going to be used
# If you set the shape array you have to explicitly set the properties relating to the
# top and bottom layers that are expected to be defined.
layout = cell.Layout(