
class ipkiss3.all.TimeDomainSimulationCodelet

A codelet for simulating transient time-domain responses.

This class provides functionality to simulate and visualize the transient response of a CircuitModelView in the time domain. It uses a time-domain solver to compute the system’s response to specified excitations over a defined time range, capturing outputs at designated monitors.

cell: PCell, required

The cell for which the codelet get executed

run(t_start=0, t_end=10, dt=0.01, simulation_wavelength=1.55, output_monitors='', eyediagram_monitors='', clock_rate=50)

Perform a time-domain simulation of the circuit.

This method runs a transient time-domain simulation for the attached circuit model, capturing the system’s temporal response to specific excitations over a defined time range. The simulation is performed using a time step and monitors defined in the testbench.

t_startfloat, optional

The starting time of the simulation in seconds. Default is 0.

t_endfloat, optional

The ending time of the simulation in seconds. Default is 10.

dtfloat, optional

The time step for the simulation in seconds. Default is 0.01. It should be at least half the reciprocal of the signal bandwidth or bit rate to avoid aliasing.

simulation_wavelengthfloat, optional

The wavelength of the simulation in micrometers. Default is 1.55.

output_monitorsstr, optional

A comma-separated list of monitor names used to capture the output signals. Default is an empty string, which means all monitors will be used.

eyediagram_monitors: str, optional

A comma-separated list of monitor names used to visualize eyediagrams. Default is an empty string, which means there is no eyediagram.

clock_ratefloat, optional

The clock rate for the eyediagram simulation in Hz. The correct clock rate is crucial for accurately visualizing the eye diagram. Default is 50.
