
class ipkiss3.all.SMatrixSweepCodelet

A codelet for sweeping S-parameters over a range of wavelengths.

This class provides functionality to simulate and visualize the S-matrix of an IPKISS PCell over a specified range of wavelengths.

cell: PCell, required

The cell for which the codelet get executed

run(start_wavelength=1.5, end_wavelength=1.6, n_wavelength_points=101)

Perform a sweep of S-parameters over a range of wavelengths.

This method performs a sweep of the S-matrix for the attached photonic circuit cell over the specified range of wavelengths, and then visualizes the results in decibel (dB) scale.

start_wavelengthfloat, optional

The starting wavelength of the sweep in micrometers. Default is 1.5.

end_wavelengthfloat, optional

The ending wavelength of the sweep in micrometers. Default is 1.6.

n_wavelength_pointsint, optional

The number of wavelength points over which to perform the sweep. Default is 101.
