
class picazzo3.filters.mzi.cell.MZIContainerArm

A Mach-Zehnder arm which contains another cell and connects it to the splitter and combiner port

trace_template: ( PCell and _WaveguideTemplate ), *None allowed*

Template for all ports, defaults to TECH.PCELLS.WG.DEFAULT.When set to None, the waveguide templates of the ports will be used.


if True, Automatic transitions will be added to the contents if the trace templates are not matched

port_labels: List with type restriction, allowed types: <class ‘str’> and length == 2

Names of the two ports to be processed

external_port_names: str

Dictionary for remapping of the port names of the contents to the external ports

contents: PCell

the contents of the container: the child cell

name: String that contains only ISO/IEC 8859-1 (extended ASCII py3) or pure ASCII (py2) characters

The unique name of the pcell

Other Parameters:
waveguides: List with type restriction, allowed types: <class ‘ipkiss3.pcell.cell.pcell.PCell’>, locked
trace_templates: List with type restriction, allowed types: <class ‘ipkiss3.pcell.cell.pcell.PCell’>, locked

list of templates to apply to all ports


class Layout
contents_length: float and int, float, integer, floating and number >= 0

The physical length of the optical path of the content. If not set manually, it will default to the distance between the content ports used.

horizontal_contents_offset: float

Horizontal offset (from the center of the MZI Arm) of the transformed content

extra_length: float and int, float, integer, floating and number >= 0

Extra length that will be added in the arm

min_straight: float and int, float, integer, floating and number >= 0

Minimum straight length between bends

combiner_port: OpticalPort

Port interface of the combiner to which the output of this arm is connected

splitter_port: OpticalPort

Port interface of the splitter to which the input of this arm is connected


routes along which the waveguides will be generated

routing_direction: List with value restriction, allowed values: [C2(0.000000, 1.000000), C2(0.000000, -1.000000)]

direction of routing (DIRECTION.NORTH or DIRECTION.SOUTH)

contents_transformation: GenericNoDistortTransform

transformation to apply to the contents


if True, it will insert the contents as elements in the layout, rather than as an Instance

view_name: String that contains only alphanumeric characters from the ASCII set or contains _$. ASCII set is extended on PY3.

The name of the view


Adds rectangular blocks in the bends to avoid as much as possible non-manhattan angles.

angle_step: float and number > 0

Angle step for rounding.


Rounding algorithm used to generate the bends. Can be circular, spline, ….

bend_radius: float and number > 0

Bend radius for the auto-generated bends.


import si_fab.all as pdk  # noqa: F401

import ipkiss3.all as i3
from picazzo3.filters.mzi import MZIContainerArm
from picazzo3.filters.ring import RingRect180DropFilter

ring = RingRect180DropFilter(name="my_ring_in_the_mzi_arm1")

mziarm = MZIContainerArm(name="my_mzi_container_arm", contents=ring, port_labels=["in1", "out1"])

layout = mziarm.Layout(
    splitter_port=i3.OpticalPort(position=(0.0, 0.0), angle_deg=30.0),
    combiner_port=i3.OpticalPort(position=(60.0, 5.0), angle_deg=120.0),
import si_fab.all as pdk  # noqa: F401

import ipkiss3.all as i3
from picazzo3.filters.mzi import MZIContainerArm
from picazzo3.filters.ring import RingRect180DropFilter

ring = RingRect180DropFilter(name="my_ring_in_the_mzi_arm2")

mziarm = MZIContainerArm(name="my_mzi_container_arm2", contents=ring, port_labels=["out2", "out1"])

layout = mziarm.Layout(
    splitter_port=i3.OpticalPort(position=(0.0, 0.0), angle_deg=30.0),
    combiner_port=i3.OpticalPort(position=(80.0, 5.0), angle_deg=120.0),
import si_fab.all as pdk  # noqa: F401

import ipkiss3.all as i3
from picazzo3.filters.mzi import MZIContainerArm
from picazzo3.filters.ring import RingRect180DropFilter

ring = RingRect180DropFilter(name="my_ring_in_the_mzi_arm3")

mziarm = MZIContainerArm(name="my_mzi_container_arm3", contents=ring, port_labels=["in1", "out1"])

layout = mziarm.Layout(
    splitter_port=i3.OpticalPort(position=(0.0, 0.0), angle_deg=30.0),
    combiner_port=i3.OpticalPort(position=(30.0, 5.0), angle_deg=120.0),