Welcome to Luceda Academy
Luceda Academy is an online hub where you can find the necessary resources to improve your design skills using all the tools in the Luceda ecosystem. Whether it is your first time using the Luceda Photonics Design Platform or you are an experienced Luceda user, this is the right place for you.
Here you will find:
Get started, tutorials for your first journey to discovering Luceda IPKISS.
IPKISS, for an in-depth dive into our design framework for photonic integrated circuits.
AWG Designer, our advanced tool for designing and simulating arrayed waveguide gratings.
IP Manager, an IPKISS module that automates testing and validation of IP libraries and process design kits (PDKs).
Simulation Links, for guides on how to use our links with 3rd party tools, such as Ansys Lumerical and Dassault Systèmes Simulia.
Link for Siemens EDA, to explore the integration between Siemens EDA and the Luceda platform.
Application Examples, for an in-depth dive into specific topics and use cases using a range of Luceda Design Kits (PDKs and ADKs). Learn about new and exciting applications, such as designing temperature sensors, AWG filters, Quantum key distribution and Programmable photonic circuits.
Sample Gallery, a collection of useful coded samples, highlighting solutions to common questions.
Reference API documentation, release notes and changelogs.
Request an account to download Luceda IPKISS, including Luceda Academy examples, so you can run them directly on your PC.