
class awg_designer.sample_designs.awg.demux1xM.RectangularAWGNxM

Rectangular AWG with N inputs, M outputs and N_arms.

aperture_out: PCell, required

Aperture cell used for the output

aperture_arms: PCell, required

Aperture cell used for grating arms

aperture_in: PCell, required

Aperture cell used for the input

N_arms: int and number > 0, required

Number of grating arms

n_dummy_apertures: int and number >= 0

Number of dummy apertures


Type of multi-aperture to be used

n_outputs: int and number > 0

Number of output channels.

n_inputs: int and number > 0

Number of input channels.

trace_template: PCell and _WaveguideTemplate
star_coupler_out_ports: List with type restriction, allowed types: <class ‘str’>

list (in the right order) of the output star coupler port names that are mapped onto ‘out’ ports

star_coupler_in_ports: List with type restriction, allowed types: <class ‘str’>

list (in the right order) of the input star coupler port names that are mapped onto ‘in’ ports

star_coupler_out_arm_ports: List with type restriction, allowed types: <class ‘str’>

list (in the right order) of the output star coupler port names that are connected to the array

star_coupler_in_arm_ports: List with type restriction, allowed types: <class ‘str’>

list (in the right order) of the input star coupler port names that are connected to the array

links: list and List with type restriction, allowed types: [<class ‘’>]

list of tuples connecting the instances. Format is [(‘inst1:term1’,’inst2:term2’), …]

external_port_names: str

Map of the free instance terms/ports to the names of external terms/ports.Format is a dict {‘inst:term’ : ‘new_term_name’}.If a term/port is not listed, the format instname_portname will be used


dict to create the instances of the child cells. Format is {‘inst_name1’: PCell}

name: String that contains only ISO/IEC 8859-1 (extended ASCII py3) or pure ASCII (py2) characters

The unique name of the pcell

Other Parameters:
waveguide_bundle: PCell and WaveguideBundle, TemplatedWaveguideBundle, locked

array of waveguides

star_coupler_out: PCell, locked

Output star coupler, managed by the AWG pcell

star_coupler_in: PCell, locked

Input star coupler, managed by the AWG pcell


>>> # This design function will give equidistant channels in the frequency domain
>>> layout_params = filters.get_layout_params_1xM_demux_ghz(
>>>     aperture_in=ap_rib,
>>>     aperture_arms=ap_rib,
>>>     aperture_out=ap_rib,
>>>     waveguide_template=wg_tmpl,
>>>     output_spacing=4.0, M=M,
>>>     center_frequency=center_frequency,
>>>     channel_spacing=400,
>>>     verbose=True)
>>> print(layout_params)
>>> from awg_designer.sample_designs.awg.demux1xM import RectangularAWGNxM
>>> awg = RectangularAWGNxM(n_inputs=1,
>>>                         n_outputs=M,
>>>                         N_arms=layout_params.pop('N_arms'),
>>>                         aperture_in=ap_rib,
>>>                         aperture_arms=ap_rib,
>>>                         aperture_out=ap_rib,
>>>                         trace_template=wg_tmpl,
>>>                         multiaperture_class=filters.MultiApertureShallowMerged,
>>>                         n_dummy_apertures=2,
>>>                         )
>>> lay = awg.Layout(bend_radius=40, **layout_params)
>>> lay.write_gdsii('my_awg.gds')


class Layout
mounting_out: str and String that contains only ISO/IEC 8859-1 (extended ASCII py3) or pure ASCII (py2) characters and List with value restriction, allowed values: [‘rowland’, ‘circular’]

Mounting configuration of the output star coupler, either ‘rowland’ or ‘circular’

mounting_in: str and String that contains only ISO/IEC 8859-1 (extended ASCII py3) or pure ASCII (py2) characters and List with value restriction, allowed values: [‘rowland’, ‘circular’]

Mounting configuration of the input star coupler, either ‘rowland’ or ‘circular’


Angles at which to position the output apertures. See design functions to calculate proper values.


Angles at which to position the input apertures. See design functions to calculate proper values.


Angles at which to position the grating apertures for the output star coupler.


Angles at which to position the grating apertures for the input star coupler.

R_input: float and number > 0

Radius of the gratings of the input star coupler. By default equal to R_grating

R_grating: float and number > 0

Radius of the grating of the output star coupler.

delay_length: float

Delay length between for the individual arms.

min_straight: float and int, float, integer, floating and number >= 0

The minimum length of any straight sections in the route

star_coupler_separation: float

distance between the outer edges of the star coupler

waveguide_bundle_transformation: GenericNoDistortTransform
star_coupler_out_transformation: GenericNoDistortTransform
star_coupler_in_transformation: GenericNoDistortTransform
flyline_width: float and number > 0

line width of the flylines

flyline_layer: ( __Layer__ ), *None allowed*

layer to draw flylines of physically unconnected links


dictionary with the transformation of each child instance.

netlist_view: NetlistView

Netlist view in the same cell on which this Layout is based. Normally no need to manually override.

view_name: String that contains only alphanumeric characters from the ASCII set or contains _$. ASCII set is extended on PY3.

The name of the view

start_straight: float and int, float, integer, floating and number >= 0

The length of the straight start section of the route

end_straight: float and int, float, integer, floating and number >= 0

The length of the straight end section of the route


Adds rectangular blocks in the bends to avoid as much as possible non-manhattan angles.

angle_step: float and number > 0

Angle step for rounding.

rounding_algorithm: *None allowed*

rounding algorithm used to generate the bends. Can be circular, spline, …

bend_radius: float and number > 0

Bend radius for the auto-generated bends.