
class awg_designer.all.SingleAperture

Base class for single port apertures opening into a Slab waveguide

Has one input port and one field port, both described by a WaveguideTemplate: - at the input port: trace_template - at the field port (aperture): aperture_trace_template

The layout must be drawn such that the aperture opening into the slab is located in ‘center’, where also the field port is located. The positions where the field are by default in a given ‘width’ along the ‘center’.

aperture_trace_template: PCell and _TraceTemplate, required

template of the aperture cross-section

trace_template: PCell and _TraceTemplate, required

template of the start waveguide

slab_template: PCell and SlabTemplate, required

template for free propagation region


list of regular ports that have field ports

name: String that contains only ISO/IEC 8859-1 (extended ASCII py3) or pure ASCII (py2) characters

The unique name of the pcell


class Layout
center: Coord2

center coordinate at which the aperture is located

view_name: String that contains only alphanumeric characters from the ASCII set or contains _$. ASCII set is extended on PY3.

The name of the view

Other Parameters:
slab_layers: locked

list of layers that should be drawn as exclusion zone

class FieldModelFromFunction
field_width: float and number > 0

Extent of the field to consider (two-sided).


Callable f(x, center) that returns an array of field values,given the 1 dimensional coordinates x along the aperture facet, centered around center.

positions: Shape

coordinates, in the local reference frame of the aperture, of the fields

width: float and number > 0

width of the field to collect by default calculated from the aperture_trace_template’s width property

netlist_view: NetlistView
layout_view: _LayoutView
n_o_passes: int and number > 0

number of simulation passes

space: _SlabPropagationEngine.Space

Space with all the elements representing the PCell

engine: _SlabPropagationEngine

Slab simulation engine

slab_modes: SlabModeDict

dict of Slab Modes

view_name: String that contains only alphanumeric characters from the ASCII set or contains _$. ASCII set is extended on PY3.

The name of the view

class FieldModelFromCamfr
material_stack_to_material_map: ( dict ), *None allowed*

Effective materials for each stack used in the virtual fabrication.

process_flow: VFabricationProcessFlow

Virtual fabrication process flow to use.

core_z_window: tuple2 and Tuple of <class ‘float’>

Window which describes the z-range of the core layer.

simulation_window: SizeInfo

SizeInfo which describes the region of the layout to simulate.

positions: Shape

coordinates, in the local reference frame of the aperture, of the fields

width: float and number > 0

width of the field to collect by default calculated from the aperture_trace_template’s width property

netlist_view: NetlistView
layout_view: _LayoutView
n_o_passes: int and number > 0

number of simulation passes

space: _SlabPropagationEngine.Space

Space with all the elements representing the PCell

engine: _SlabPropagationEngine

Slab simulation engine

slab_modes: SlabModeDict

dict of Slab Modes

view_name: String that contains only alphanumeric characters from the ASCII set or contains _$. ASCII set is extended on PY3.

The name of the view

class CircuitModel
simulation_wavelengths: ( list<int, float, integer, floating and number > 0> ), *None allowed*

Wavelengths for which to simulate the underlying physical model.Defaults to None, in which case a physical simulation will be done for each requested wavelength.If a single wavelength is specified, the model will be wavelength independent.If multiple wavelengths are given, only these wavelengths are valid.

slabfield_view: _SlabFieldModelView
layout_view: ( _LayoutView ), *None allowed*
netlist_view: ( NetlistView ), *None allowed*
view_name: String that contains only alphanumeric characters from the ASCII set or contains _$. ASCII set is extended on PY3.

The name of the view

Other Parameters:
solver: str and String that contains only ISO/IEC 8859-1 (extended ASCII py3) or pure ASCII (py2) characters, locked

circuit solver to use