- ipkiss3.io.touchstone.export_touchstone_smatrix(smatrix1dsweep, filename, reference=50.0, param_format='MA', n_digits=17)
Exports an S matrix frequency / wavelength sweep to a touchstone file.
More information on the touchstone file format can be found in
this document
.- Parameters:
- smatrix1dsweep: SMatrix1DSweep
stores the SMatrices from a sweep
- filename: str
filename to which to export. The standard TouchStone extension .snp with n the total number of port modes will automatically be appended if not specified by the user. (e.g. s6p if there are 3 ports and each has 2 modes)
- reference: float (default 50.)
Reference in ohms. Used as a system reference for the S matrix data.
- param_format: str
Format of the output MA: magnitude and angle (in degrees) in the counter-clockwise directions RI: real and imaginary part
- n_digits: int (default 17)
Number of significant digits in the output Touchstone file. The default value is chosen such that when IEEE 754 double-precision number is converted to a decimal string and back the original and converted value must match (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-precision_floating-point_format)
- Returns:
- filename: str
The exported full file path including extension