
class ipkiss3.all.Codelet

The abstract base class for every codelet.

A codelet is a unit of code that gets executed on a single cell. Its aim is to facilitate the reuse of common code snippets such as circuit simulations or circuit analysis and enable the execution of that code in IPKISS Canvas.

A codelet is initialized by creating an instance of the codelet class and passing in the cell. The behavior of a codelet is captured in its run method that accepts any number of arguments. Execute a codelet in an IPKISS script by calling the run method on your codelet instance.

cell: PCell, required

The cell for which the codelet get executed


run(**kwargs) -> None

Abstract method Executes the behavior of the codelet. This method should be overridden by subclasses to define the specific behavior and tasks that the codelet is responsible for performing. This function can have an arbitrary number of keyword arguments. These arguments must match the properties of the codelet definition in IPKISS Canvas. The function is not expected to return anything.