
ipkiss3.all.run_drc_check_mate(gds_path, marker_db=None, rules=None, layers=None, open_in_klayout=False, check_mate_exe=None, klayout_path=None)

Run a DRC check on a GDS file with Spark Photonics’ Check Mate DRC.

Please use the instructions provided by Spark Photonics to install and set up Check Mate DRC.

gds_path: str

The path to the GDS file on which you want to perform the DRC check.

marker_db: str | None

Path to where the error markers are stored (usually has a .lyrdb extension) If None, use the GDS path to derive the report name. The file will be called ‘{gds_basename}_report.lyrdb’

rules: list[str] | None

List of rules, by default all rules are selected. Each rule is a string with the name of the rule.

layers: list[str] | None

List of mask layer names to inspect, by default all are selected. Each layer is a string, according to the layer names in the PDK.

open_in_klayout: bool

When True, launch klayout and open the markers directly.

check_mate_exe: str | Path | None

The Check Mate executable, which is stored in ‘%USERPROFILE%/Spark Photonics/[pdk_folder]/app_headless.exe’. If None, derive from the PDK name + table stored under %USERPROFILE%/Spark Photonics/IPKISS_LINK.json

klayout_path: str | Path | None
When None, auto-discover klayout. Otherwise, path to the executable.

(only used when open_in_klayout is True)


To run a DRC check on a file named ‘design.gds’ with the default Check Mate DRC executable:

>>> i3.run_drc_check_mate("design.gds")

To run a DRC check with a custom executable path:

>>> i3.run_drc_check_mate("design.gds", executable_path="/path/to/custom/app_headless.exe")