Release notes IPKISS 3.2.0
The IPKISS 3.2 design platform introduces physical device simulation links to CST Studio Suite and Lumerical FDTD Solutions. It also introduces generation of circuit models based on S-parameter data (simulation or measurement-based).
In addition, there’s a series of bugfixes and improvements. The full list of improvements can be found in the changelog.
Highlights are shown below:
Physical device simulation links
Upon popular request, we now support device simulation links to CST Studio Suite and Lumerical FDTD Solutions out-of-the-box. All knowledge required to simulate IPKISS PCells (so-called ‘simulation recipes’) can be stored alongside your devices. The simulation results can be imported back into IPKISS. This offers several benefits:
No translation errors by reconstructing a geometry in different tools. Macros can be added to create true reproducible simulations and true automation. From device definition to simulation and importing into IPKISS

Please check the device simulation tutorial to get started.
Model building
We’ve added utilities to add circuit simulation models to your PCells based on S parameter data: touchstone import, B-spline fitting for S parameter data, simple model testing and checks (passivity and reciprocity). Please check the tutorial on building models from S-parameter data. Circuits created with IPKISS can then be simulated with these new models.
# Load s-matrix from touchstone data
smat = i3.circuit_sim.SMatrix1DSweep.from_touchstone(os.path.join('data', 'dircoup.s4p'), unit='um')
# Create a bspline model
bsplinesmodel = i3.circuit_sim.BSplineSModel.from_smatrix(smat, k=3)

Documentation improvements & new tutorials
(new feature) tutorials on physical device sim (new feature in IPKISS 3.2).
(new feature) tutorials on building circuit models based on s-parameter data.
(new features): API refdoc for device sim & circuit sim.
How to set up a python code editor for designing with Luceda PDKs.
Tutorial on boolean operations.
Shape modifiers documented.
New homepage with improved navigation.