Technology Reference
Every IPKISS script starts with the import of a TECHNOLOGY file. The goal of the technology file is to describe a variety of settings that are necessary to design for a specific fabrication technology, and will be shared by the designs that use the same fabrication technology.
In this reference guide you will find the relevant API functions.
Properties to store a variety of numbers.
Get the technology tree (TECH). |
A hierarchical tree for storing technology settings. |
A hierarchical tree for storing technology settings, but with delayed initialisation: the initialize-function is called only at the moment a value is actually retrieved. |
ProcessLayer represents a specific process step which requires a defined mask pattern. |
PatternPurpose represents the usage of geometric patterns for layout |
Combination of a ProcessLayer and a PatternPurpose, defining together a unique i3.Layer. |
alias of |
Layout layer. |
Maps GDSII layers to Ipkiss Layers with an automatic conversion |
Maps Ipkiss Layers to GDSII Layers with an automatic conversion |
Map between GDSII Layers and PPLayers |
Most generic map between ProcessPurposeLayers and GDSII. |
Map of GDSII layer/datatype combinations onto ProcessPurposeLayers. |
Map of ProcessPurposeLayer onto GDSII layer/datatype combinations. |
Display style for a visualization |
List of layer, DisplayStyle tuples. |
Set of display styles. |
Base material. |
Factory of materials. |
A MaterialStack describes a series of materials stacked on top of each other, each with a given height. |
Virtual Fabrication
Virtual fabrication process flow. |
The 2D top-down virtual fabrication and cross-section results of a layout view can be visualized with:
Here is simple example of the definition of a virtual fabrication process and its application to a layout.
import ipkiss3.all as i3
# Define a Donut pcell
class Donut(i3.PCell):
radius = i3.PositiveNumberProperty(default=10.0)
inner_radius = i3.PositiveNumberProperty(default=5.0)
class Layout(i3.LayoutView):
def _generate_elements(self, elems):
elems += i3.Circle(layer=i3.Layer(0), radius=self.radius)
elems += i3.Circle(layer=i3.Layer(1), radius=self.inner_radius)
return elems
# instantiate the cell and visualize its layout
donut = Donut(radius=15.0, inner_radius=5.0)
donut_lo = donut.Layout()
# Define materials, material stacks and virtual fabrication
from pysics.basics.material.material import Material
from pysics.basics.material.material_stack import MaterialStack
from ipkiss.visualisation.display_style import DisplayStyle
from ipkiss.visualisation.color import COLOR_SCARLET, COLOR_BLUE
from ipkiss.plugins.vfabrication.process_flow import VFabricationProcessFlow
oxide = Material(name="oxide", display_style=DisplayStyle(color=COLOR_SCARLET))
air = Material(name="air", display_style=DisplayStyle(color=COLOR_BLUE))
stack_oxide = MaterialStack(name="oxide slab",
(air, 1.0),
(oxide, 0.5),
(air, 1.0)
stack_air = MaterialStack(name="all air",
(air, 1.0),
(air, 0.5),
(air, 1.0)
oxide_dep = i3.ProcessLayer(name="oxide", extension="OX")
oxide_etch = i3.ProcessLayer(name="oxide etch", extension="NOX")
vfab = VFabricationProcessFlow(
active_processes=[oxide_dep, oxide_etch],
oxide_dep: i3.Layer(0),
oxide_etch: i3.Layer(1)
oxide_dep: False,
oxide_etch: False
((0, 0), stack_air),
((0, 1), stack_air),
((1, 0), stack_oxide),
((1, 1), stack_air)
# visualize virtual fabrication of the layout: top-down and cross-section
xs = donut_lo.cross_section(cross_section_path=i3.Shape([(0.0, 20.0), (0.0, -20.0)]),